Tune Up Utilities 2010
- TuneUp Speed Optimizer
- TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
- Support for the Opera browser
- TuneUp Styler
- TuneUp Uninstall Manager
- TuneUp StartUp Manager
- Free up disk space
- Lots more improvements
improvements in our update technology.
USB Smaller
based on report, drive mini this use tekhnologi chp-on-board to decry card is 31mmx12mm with casing gold. flash drive this can to keep 2000 song files and has transfer speed achieves 200x (30mb/second). flash drive this is even also mengeluarkankan with fitur that counter water and guarantee for a lifetime.
product tool sale pico-c gold this also provided according to online at neegg and nebiiz the current week with price tender under $40.
Laptop thin super be taked by msi
Laptop thin super be taked by msi, called as series x-slim, soon will present in april.twitter this also be one of the site jejaring social, much the same to with facebook.com and plurk.com. but differ from plurk, twitter very famous at axis. possibility during near this twitter will can to dominate world within reason facebook.
well, newest status in twitter is called tweets and to every tweets only limitted 140 characters. we also can give comment at every tweets, also photo mengunggah by user twitter.
Analogue Vista Clock
Analogue Vista Clock is an outstanding quality alarm clock for your desktop. This awesome clock is a desktop extension - it will stay on your desktop ignoring all mouse and keyboard input, so it won't interfere with any other application. The communication with the clock, including changing the size, position, transparency level ,alarm hour and more, is done using clock's tray icon. Analogue Vista Clock is fully configurable, it allows you to change it's appearance - it comes with six outstanding Vista-look skins, but registered users can download more or make their own skins! It let you choose 5 build in alarm sounds but you can use it to play any file you want or even randomly play sound files from selected folder/directory. Analogue Vista Clock also supports gradual wake feature.
U can download here http://www.4neurons.com/Clock/
UC web
UC Browser will provide a fresh and better change to all these problems on the mobile Internet! With UC Browser, not only you can view WAP site quickly, but the colorful websites smoothly as well in order to enjoy the pleasure of wireless technology thoroughly.
Don’t underestimate the massive and extensive information that can be searched on your mobile phone! With UC Browser, you can do it! UC Browser offers various search engines, such as Baidu, Google, Yahoo, and other popular ones to satisfy your desire of searching the whole Internet. UC Browser supports searching by categorization, such as by web pages, music, pictures, maps, and other methods.
source: http://www.uc.cn/English/index.shtml
Konfigurasi Jaringan LAN Komputer
Kompetensi Dasar: Memahami dasar-dasar sistem jaringan di Internet/ intranetDIharapkan siswa dapat:
a. Menentukan kartu jaringan terpasang atau tidak.
b. Mengurutkan urut-urutan memberi Computer Name.
c. Menentukan nomor IP Address.
d. Menunjukkan langkah dalam test jaringan.
e. Menunjukkan share file dan printing.
Uraian Materi:
Apa itu Jaringan Komputer?
Jaringan adalah embrionya dari Internet. Kenapa? Karena dengan jaringan kita bisa berkomunikasi antar komputer. Nah, berikut penjelasannya:
Jaringan komputer merupakan kumpulan komputer yang terhubung satu dengan yang lainnya. Dalam jaringan komputer terdapat sebuah komputer server dan komputer client. Komputer server berfungsi untuk melayani pengiriman dan penerimaan data dari komputer-komputer yang ada di dalam jaringan. Komputer client dapat juga berfungsi untuk mengatur aliran data dalam jaringan, dapat juga berfungsi sebagai penyedia sumber yang dibutuhkan oleh komputer – komputer client.
Manfaat Jaringan:
Manfaat adanya jaringan komputer antara lain :
- Membagi sumber daya,
- Reliabilitas tinggi, dengan jaringan kita bisa melakukan pengcopyan data antar komputer, sehingga memudahkan kita untuk melakukan pem-backup-an data.
- Menghemat Uang, menggunakan satu printer untuk melayani komputer client.
- Sarana Komunikasi.
Sejarah Internet
Tahun 1966 Bob Taylor dari ARPA menerima bantuan dana dari universitas di Amerika Serikat untuk melakukan percobaan membuat jaringan yang menghubungkan komputer – komputer dari sejumlah universitas yang mendanai percobaan ini. Jaringan ini menjadi cikal bakal lahirnya internet yang pada saat itu disebut dengan ARPANET, dan pertama kali online pada tahun 1969.
The Network Working Group menyelesaikan protocol Telnet pada tahun 1971. Protokol yang digunakan untuk mengakses sebuah komputer dari jarak jauh, dan yang digunakan untuk mendownload file. Dan tahun 1972 Ray Tomlison dari BBN menulis program yang dapat mengirimkan surat secara elektronik melalui ARPANET dengan menggunakan symbol @ (et) untuk menghubungkan nama pengguna (username) dan alamat e-mail, hingga akhirnya tahun 1980 an symbol @ digunakan sebagai standar diseluruh dunia.
Pada tahun 1973 dimulailah pengembangan sebuah protocol yang kemudian disebut protocol TCP/IP, dan protocol ini memungkinkan dua jaringan komputer yang berbeda dapat berinterkoneksi dan berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lain. Kemudian pada tahun 1986 internet dipergunakan secara terbuka untuk umum, sehingga sejak saat itu internet berkembang pesat ke seluruh dunia.
Tahun 1990 ARPANET resmi ditutup, Jaringan tersebut telah berkembang, dan banyak Negara yang tergabung dalam jaringan internet antara lain Argentina, Austria, Belgia, Brazil, Chile,Yunani, India, Irlandia, Korea Selatan, Spanyol, dan Swiss. Pada tahun 1993 Marc Andreessen mengembangkan aplikasi browsing yang disebut Mosaic, kemudian membuat Netscape hingga Microsoft juga mengembangkan Microsoft Internet Explorer. Pengguna internet terus berkembang pada tahun 1995 diperkirakan sekitar 25 juta orang hingga di tahun 1999 kurang lebih mencapai 196 juta orang dan menjadi 502 juta orang di tahun 2003.
Tahun 2004 jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia telah mencapai 4,2 juta orang dan di tahun 2005 jumlah pengguna internet jauh lebih besar dari yang diperkirakan dan terus bertambah dan berkembang pesat hingga sekarang. Indonesia merupaka Negara dengan jumlah pengguna internet urutan ke 15 di seluruh dunia, sedangkan di kawasan Asia, Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan jumlah pengguna internet terbesar ke lima dibawah China, Jepang, India, dan Korea Selatan.
Buku TIK 9, Yudhistira, 2010.
Kelompok :
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
Aplikasi Internet
- World Wide Web merupakan aplikasi yang paling penting karena dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai hal. www adalah dokumen – dokumen internet yang disimpan diserver – server yang terdapat di seluruh dunia. Dokumen web yang dibuat dengan menggunakan HTML yang memuat teks, gambar, animawsi, audio, dan video.
- Electronic Mail (E-Mail) adalah aplikasi internet yang digunakan untuk surat menyurat dalam bentuk elektronik. E-mail dapat juga kita gunakan untuk mengirim dokumen dan gambar. E-mail merupakan alat komunikasi yang sangat murah dan akan sampai dengan cepat sesaat setelah dikirim.
- Mailing List atau milis merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai sarana diskusi atau bertukar informasi dalam satu kelompok dalam bentuk e-mail. Setiap e-mail yang dikirim secara otomatis akan terkirim ke semua alamat e-mail yang terdaftar sebagai anggota milis tersebut.
- Newsgroup merupakan aplikasi internet yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain dalam sebuah forum.Anggota forum newsgroup mempunyai kepentingan dan ketertarikan yang sama serta membahas topic–topic tertentu. Sarana ini memungkinkan kita untuk dapat menyampaikan informasi dengan cepat kepada orang–orang yang tergabung dalam sebuah kelompok. Informasi yang disampaikan tidak berbentuk e-mail melainkan berbentuk artikel. Seseorang yang ingin memperoleh informasi dari newsgroup tertentu haruslah aktif membuka newsgroup yang diinginkan.
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk bercakap – cakap di Internet dikenal dengan istilah chatting. Dilakukan dengan cara mengetik dan mengirimkan dalam bentuk teks.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) digunakan untuk mengirimkan atau mengambil file ke / dari komputer lain. FTP memungkinkan kita untuk transfer data lebih cepat. FTP sering digunakan untuk mencari dan mengambil (download) arsip (file) dari sebuah server di internet, juga digunakan untuk meng –upload file situs (home page) sehingga bisa diakses oleh pengguna dari seluruh pelosok dunia,
- Telnet merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengakses komputer yang letaknya jauh.Telnet dapat digunakan jika kita menpunyai alamat IP dari komputer yang akan diakses.
- Gopher adalah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mencari informasi yang hanya terbatas pada teks saja.
- Ping singkatan dari Packet Internet Gopher. Ping juga merupakan salah satu aplikasi internet yang digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah komputer yang kita gunakan terhubung (terkoneksi ) dengan komputer lain di internet.
How to Use GPRS Pulsa
To activate this service, make sure the settings you are using a GPRS card settings based duration (time based):
APN: indosatgprs
Username: indosat@durasi
Password: indosat@durasi
User Mentari, could undertake a GPRS phone by pressing * 555 * 1 #.
User IM3, can undertake free GPRS by pressing * 388 * 1 #.
About Facebook
social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services.
- More popular among College age students all over the world
- Studies shows student recruitment NOT only should be traditional methods but also be adapted to new technology the students are using this era
- As college student recruiters as well as advisers, we must constantly be adapting with new methods to attract the students attention. Methods used by majority of students.
- Easy and convenient. One website does it all!!! Chatting, blogging, post videos and pictures and many more!
We can:
- Can message students
- Can send students a birthday greeting, which connects to students in an individual level
- Upload photos and videos of your staff, events to increase new interested international students attention
- Connect new/current international students even before they arrive on-campus
- Put a face for the email address. Students feels more comfortable talking to a person rather than an email address..
There are small ships and big ships but the best ships are friendshipshappiness isn't the easiest thing to find,
but one place you're guaranteed to find it is in a friend's smile.
True frienship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.
Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who canges your life. Just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop
Someone who makes you believe, thet there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you, that there really is an unlocked door
Just waiting for you to open it, this is forever Friendship
Wherever U go..Wherever U do..Remember and know...
I am and always will be your friend!
For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow only a vision;But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
Computer network
Question:- Does network computer that?
- Mention network benefit computer?
- Computer network a system that consist of computer and that another network ware together to achieves a aim same.
- Computer network benefit:
- Resource sharing, can use sumberdaya existing according to together. example a user that present 100 km the far from a data, doesn't get difficulty in use data, impressing data present mendekatnya. this matter often is interpretted that computer network mangatasi distance problem.
- Reliabilitas Tall, with our computer network will get reliabilitas tall with has provision alternative sources. for example, all files can be kept or mencopy second, three atu more computer connections kejaringan. so that when does one of [the] engine broken, so copy at other engine can be used.
- Save Money, computer berukutan little has price/performance ratio better compared with big computer. big computer likes mainframe has kecapatan approximately ten times little/individual computer speed folds. permanent, price mainframe thousand times more expensive from individual computer. price/performance ratio imbalance and speed here's make system designers to build system that consist of individual computers.
- Hardware sharing, for wear hardware according to together. with network facilities existence then use tool that named server printer. so a coloured laser printer so expensive the price usable according to together by 10 officials. so also the things of with scanners, plotter, and another tools.
- Security and Data arrangement, computer in a business environment, with network existence make possible a administrator to mengorganisasi office datas importantest. from in every departement is to separated and data-data spilled out everywhere. important data can at manage in a server back end to then at replikasi or backupped appropriate wisdom companies. so also a admin can controls important datas so that can be accessinged or at edit by people who justifiably.
- Stability and Computation performance enhanced, in a condition certain, a network can be used to increase overall performance from business application, by computation assignment at distribute to several existing computers in network.
Copy and Moving Text
Copy the text or to copy or create mengagandakan is the same text repeatedly. To copy the text can be done with the steps berilut:
block text to copy / copies
Click Edit Copy, or press "Ctrl + C", or click the copy icon
Letakan cursor on the right for laying copyan
Click Edit Paste, or press "Ctrl + V", or click the Paste icon
Move Text
Moving text to follow the following steps:
text blocks that are moved
Cut, or press "Ctrl + X", or click the copy icon Click Edit
Letakan cursor on the right to move
Click Edit Paste, or press "Ctrl + V", or click the Paste icon
Find and Replace
Find and Replace function to search for and menggati a text quickly and easily. How to change the text or word find and replace facilities as follows:
select Replace dialog box appears so that the following Click the Edit
Figure 18: Dialog Box Find and Replace
In the Find What text type / word that will be searched or replaced eg "chicken"
In the Replace With type that Tech will be used to menggati eg "egret"
Click Replace to menggati one at a text / word and click Replace All to menggati all at once.
Saving and Opening Documents
Once you've finished typing a script or edit a document the document should be stored in a file so that when the time required can be opened again.
Step - step to save the document.
Click the File menu, select the Save dialog box so that it appears like the image below.
Figure 16: Save As Dialog Box
In the Save In box specify the drive / directory to save the instance in the My Document.
Select the folder where save.
Type the file name in the File Name box.
Click Save or press Enter if you will be saved, or click Cancel if not saved.
Another way to save the document pressing Ctrl + S or clicking the icon on the toolbar save standard.
Opening Documents
To reopen a document that has been saved through the following steps:
Click on the File menu bar and select Open, so the Open dialog box appears below.
Figure 17: Open Dialog Box
In the look in the folder select the file save the document Ex Data (D)
Select a document file to be opened
Click the Open
Another way to save the document pressing Ctrl + O or click the save icon on the standard toolbar.
Using The Menu and Icons
In the Ms. Word 2003 there were nine menubar view that we can use. Menu-menu contains submenus for display purposes during the operation we use Ms. Word 2003.
Menus are:
Figure 10: Display menubar in Microsoft Excel
To activate the menubar at the top we can do in two ways, namely:
a. By using the mouse
We can activate the menubar with the menu click on the title that we want by using the mouse, following the view that menubar is clicked with the mouse.
Figure 11: Display Format Menu
When we choose a menubar in Microsoft Word, we find that the menu looks incomplete is marked with two arrows to the bottom of the child, to display all the submenu click the arrow to the two children down or click twice (double click) the title menu.
Figure 12: Display Menu Table
b. By using the key combination on the keyboard
In addition to using the mouse, we can also activate the menubar using a combination of keyboard keys. Here is the key combination of keyboard keys that are used to activate the menubar in Microsoft Word.
Menu and Toolbar Word Processing
Menu Bar is a set of words used to command or control program. Menu bar in Microsoft word is at the top of the window. The menus are: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help appear in the image as 4.
Figure 4: Menu Bar
In the menu, there are some commands that we can select by clicking on the menu and then select and click on the sub menu, or by menkan Shortcut button that is located on the right side of the sub menu sepertu in the picture 5.
Figure 5: Display command on the File menu
Toolbar provides several icons or simple button that is used to access a command that is written on the menu. How to use this by clicking on the button-key. There are many toolbars provided by Microsoft Word. In the default, the toolbar is visible there are three, namely Standad, Formatting and Drawing toolbars. Views Standad toolbar, Formatting and Drawing serpti appear in the image on 6, 7, and 8.
Figure 6: Standard Toolbar
Figure 7: Format Toolbar
Figure 8: Drawing Toolbar
Popup Menu
Pop-Up Menu is the menu that appears when we click on the right in a certain place on the window of Ms. Word. The command is there in the pop up menu depending on where we are right and the conditions that exist. Eg right click on the area of Word, it will appear as the image 9.
Figure 9: Display a Pop-Up Menu.
Used mouse: Pointer, Term in the Mouse
Mouse pointer is used to access a command, shapes can change according to the type of command that we use. Generally arrow-shaped pointer if small icon of a point being, shaped like a straight line if we are in the area pengetikan, hour glass shaped animation if a process is being conducted (eg, open or save files) and others.
Term in the mouse
- Click: press the left mouse button 1 times.
- Right-click: press the right mouse button 1 time
- Double-click: press the left mouse button 2 times quickly.
- Drag: click 1 time, hold, move the mouse then release.
- Make a block (block), the highlight text with mouse mendrag way so that the text background color to be black. This process will often do we do for formatting or editing a script.
Move the cursor
Cursor or the cursor is shaped vertical line "|" is blinking and the emergence of the letter if we type the letter keys or number or punctuation mark at the keyboard. The way some of the cursor that we need to know, including:
- Arrow key on the keyboard to move the cursor one character (letters or numbers) to the left, right, up or down.
- PageUp key or PegeDown to layer rolls up and down.
- Home button move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- End key move the cursor to the end of the line.
- Merging (press simultaneously) the Ctrl key and right arrow will move the cursor one word right.
- Merging (press simultaneously) the Ctrl key and the left arrow will move the cursor one word left.
- Merging (press simultaneously) the Ctrl key and move the Home akan cursor to the beginning of the document.
- Merging (press simultaneously) Ctrl and End keys will move the cursor to the end of the document.
Note: When using a function with the Ctrl key, then the Ctrl key pressed together with the key that will be used.
Word Processing
1. Starting Word
To run Word there are 2 ways, namely:
a. Through the start button
Click Start, select All Programs, then click Microsoft Word
Click Start, select All Programs, then select Microsoft Office and click Microsoft Word, as shown in the picture 1.
Wait some time until the display window of Ms. Word appears on the screen.
Figure 1: How to run Ms. Word.
b. Shortcut Ms. Word
Word shortcut is a shortcut icon to open the opening micosoft word, which is located on the Desktop (Screen Monitor) as the image 2.
To run Ms. Word through the shortcut by clicking twice (2x) Microsoft Office Word icon on the desktop. Wait some time until the display window of Ms. Word appears on the screen.
Figure 2. Shortcut Ms. Word
How Does SMS Messaging Work
SMS messaging, or Short Message Service, gives you the ability to use a high performance, un-congested international network to send your messages with premium routing and optimized relay path, and an up time greater than 99.9%, through an SMS gateway.
Through software that utilizes Bulk SMS, Email SMS, Web SMS and API, you can use a SMS gateway for quality delivery and reliability that has thousands of users worldwide. It gives you the ability to send and receive SMS text messages through your computer.
How SMS messaging works:
SMS or Short Message Service is a communication service which is a text message up to 160 characters long, no matter what method is used. Typically used on mobile telephone handsets, utilizing the GSM, it is now available on a wide range of networks, including 3G, and can be used with VOIP systems, and from your desktop computer.
What An SMS Gateway is:
A SMS gateway provider facilitates the SMS traffic between subscribers, acting as the server or network hub for the individual messages, much like a service provider for internet or websites. The SMS Gateway provides the path so that the SMS messages can be sent directly to and from recipients, avoiding delays and message loss, through optimized routing, and is frequently used corporately for communications.
How You Can Send Bulk SMS Messages From Your Email:
It is easy to send bulk SMS messages from your computer utilizing Email programs like Microsoft Outlook or others by utilizing the high volume, SMS traffic IP SMS gateway, which can connect directly to the SMS center of SMS service providers. API's that allow developers of software to receive and send a large amount of messages from their email programs is provided by most IP SMS gateways.
How Companies Can Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty Using SMS
It is easy to reach your customer base by sending bulk SMS reminders or confirmations using your computer, and the SMS can be sent to the recipients in the network. It's an easy way to stay in touch and keep your customers informed of sales, discounts and special promotions.
Redoxygen has been in business for over 8 years and has over 200,000 users globally. They have quality service and support, full version software with complete privacy and no spam. You can try their free, no-obligation SMS service through their trial offer that gives you 25 SMS credits free, or you can contact their sales department for larger corporate free trial programs. It's easy to see how their SMS gateway can work for you; all they need is your name, email address and cell phone to set up your free trial account.
Some of the biggest corporate giants are already clients, like McDonalds, CHASE, Frito Lay, Deloitte, Lilly, USAID and AT.
These companies have been able to increase their customer loyalty as well as make their operations more efficient simply by using SMS in unconventional ways. Now, instead of sending an email or using the phone, short requests and promotional offers, as well as schedules and scheduled meetings are all delivered using an SMS.
Spend a few minutes and think how you can increase your sale, increase you customer loyalty and reduce operating costs by using SMS to deliver the important messages to their pocket - instantly.
Test out the Red Oxygen Bulk SMS Service (Free Demo Available). Or try out the Microsoft Outlook Email to SMS (Free Demo Available). Or try out the web based SMS Gateway (Free Demo Available).
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How Does SMS Messaging Work
Author: RobertHard Drive Players Hard drive MP3 players are ideal for people who prefer to carry all their MP3 collection. It can accommodate large amount of MP3 data files and are also heavier compared to a regular flash memory player. It does not employ and moving parts and is therefore skip-free. This type of MP3 player provides more built-in features which operate at higher power requirement which causes shorter battery life. Minidisc MP3 Minidisc MP3 is presented in a very attractive packaging, the only downside is the time consuming MP3 transfer process requirement on this device. Hybrid MP3 Players Hybrid MP3 players can play either MP3 or serve other purpose that a user might need. These devices are packed with longer battery power time to support functionalities other than playing MP3 songs. Tips on buying MP3 player There are many types of MP3 players out in the market. Finding the best player for you is easy if you know what exactly you need and want for your player. - Determine your routines when you will be using your MP3 player. If you are always on the go - jogging, walking or working out you might want to consider a skip-free, light-weight, and small player to place your music in. - Check the player’s features and free accessories. You might want to get an MP3 layer with packaged features that are useful for you, such as FM recorder or stopwatch. This can help you cut your costing. - The memory size of your MP3 layer dictates its storage capacity. Some MP3 players such as flash memory players have limited memory, but will make do with their size and portability. Hard drive players on the other hand provides adequate memory space for large MP3 files, but are too big to fit inside your pocket making it uncomfortable to carry around. - It is most advisable to get an MP3 player with track display especially for those who prefer to carry all their music collection in a single MP3 player. The display can assist locate specific MP3 file easier and faster. - An MP3 player’s battery life is also an important consideration. Some MP3 provides batteries that can be recharged both on a USB slot and through a power outlet.
About the Author:
Related articles by this author include: Convert MP4 to MP3 and Convert iTunes to MP3. Visit MP3.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - MP3
How to put Windows Movie Maker video to YouTube?
Author: wenling85These days, the Internet is all about sharing media, from video to pictures to music. Here's how to share video from Windows Movie Maker to YouTube, face book, blog, etc.
Part 1 Save video in Windows Movie Maker as WMV files
Note, there is something you may need to pay attention to;
1. Don't go to "save project (as)" which will save your movie to MSWMM. It is not a video file, but a project made by Windows Movie Maker which contains some basic information including titles, credits, transition, etc. Importantly, YouTube doesn’t accept this kind of file.
Part 2 Upload Windows Movie Maker video to YouTube
OK, once you've finished editing your video, make sure it's less than 10 minutes, smaller than 1GB in size, and in an acceptable format, you're ready to upload it.
1. Go on YouTube.
2. Make sure you have an account and click Upload.
3. Fill in the forms.
4. Upload your video by clicking on the yellow button "Upload". The upload will take a little while.
Now you have published the video slideshow made with Windows Movie Maker to YouTube, you can browse the video or share it with friends with the URL YouTube provided at will.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How to put Windows Movie Maker video to YouTube?
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