After the dialog box appears Welcom CorelDraw X3, click the New option, then came the layer Corel Draw X3 as follows:
- Title Bar is the title bar that provide information about the application program was used and the name of the file being edited.
- Menu Bar is a bar menu that includes major commands such as File, Edit, View, Layout, Arrange, Effects, bitmaps, Text, Tools, Window and Help.
- Standard Tool Bar is the standard tool bar icons beris the represents a frequently used commands, eg, New (to open new file), Open To open a file once saved), Close (for close the current file), Save (to save the current file active), Copy (to copy files / objects / gabar), Cut (to move file / object / images), Paste (for mennempatkan files / objects / images pencopya of or transfer) and others.
- Property Bar is a unique command line, because the display will always changed and the icons are in it will adjust to current icon on the tool box. For example the picture above go round propery bar of tool box pick tool.
- Horizontal Ruler is a horizontal line that serves to help us design in the right size, because there is rule horizontally with a unit of measure that can be changed at any time.
- Tool Box is that icons in it save the editing sort icon and commands for basic object creation, editing objects, interactive effects on the object and others.
- Printable Area is an area / design where we put for printing. For our design be outside the printable rea, but when will print the object / image should be into the printable area it.
- Color Pallet is a list of colors can we choose to gives color to the object / design that we make.
- Scroll Box is a box that serves to shift the up to abawah or to left to right.
- Status Bar is a line that gives information about the operation warna performed, the coordinates of the mouse position was and also information about color the object being diaktifkn, both fill and outline color.
- Task Bar is the line that gives informsi about programs active with the name of the current file, there is the right corner of the clock bookmark at that time.
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