PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (Mobile-8) launched its first HP smartfren with Fren services, communication services that combine local telephone service by cellular phone in one card. Hape which will provide a variety of attractive features and free programs that lead to the Facebook community.
Other features: mobile karaoke, short story in 1001, access to online news sites, the FM radio and SMS packages each refill, Free Ringtones and wallpapers addition tedapat 2ON Hape services (Dual On), customers can enjoy a saving of local pulse each of them made the call with a local number and still be able to communicate comfortably without compensation or registration card when out of town.
Other features: mobile karaoke, short story in 1001, access to online news sites, the FM radio and SMS packages each refill, Free Ringtones and wallpapers addition tedapat 2ON Hape services (Dual On), customers can enjoy a saving of local pulse each of them made the call with a local number and still be able to communicate comfortably without compensation or registration card when out of town.
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