There are many types of image files, JPEG, Gif or PNG. Well, here are a few explanations about the types of images.
JPEG or Joint Photographic Experts Group is an image format that is widely used to store the images with a size smaller. There are several characteristics of images in JPEG, which of course we know must have the extension. Jpg or. Jpeg. Also JPEG is also able to display colors with a depth of 24-bit true color. Compress images with lossy nature. And is generally used to store the images of photos.
GIF or Graphics Interchange Format is one of the widely used image format. One characteristic of the image type extension can play an animated GIF is a simple picture. Some other characteristics of the GIF image format is able to serve a maximum of 256 colors for GIF format uses 8-bits for each pixel. In addition, GIF is also capable of compressing images with lossless nature and supports transparent color.
PNG or Portable Network Graphics is one of the image storage format that uses a compression method that does not eliminate part of that image. In general PNG images used for the Web (Web universe Jembar - en: World Wide Web). PNG image format has better compression factors compared with GIF (5% -25% better than GIF format).
PNG or Portable Network Graphics is one of the image storage format that uses a compression method that does not eliminate part of that image. In general PNG images used for the Web (Web universe Jembar - en: World Wide Web). PNG image format has better compression factors compared with GIF (5% -25% better than GIF format).
yang familiar format PNG mas, paling sering dipakai untuk upload gambar.. :D
ReplyDeletemau tanya nih mas, kalau download Coreldraw x4 dimana ya, yg free maksudnya :) Terimakasih n slm kenal
Terimakasih banyak mas, saya simpan kedua-duanya..
ReplyDeletejpeg ini yang sering aku pakai
ReplyDeletekalo PNG lebih bagus digunakan utk blog / website ..krn lebih tajam gbrnya ya.. :)
ReplyDeletebtw dah gw FOLLOW gan.. ats nm WONG.. FOLLOW balik ya.. ;)
Format gambar yang saya sukai adalah PNG brad karena kita bisa mengatur transparan untuk background....walaupun kadang relatip bsar size-y.
ReplyDeletemamper kaaq
ReplyDeletewah...terimakasih banyak atas sharenya....
ReplyDeletemeskipun saya agak bingung juga nerjemahin artikelnya..he..he....
terimakasih banyak..
ReplyDeleteWah masih blm ada yang bru brad postingannya...
ReplyDeleteslmat mlm aj brad sukses slalu.